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Faith Lutheran College has a proud twenty-year-strong history of excellence, shared by both students and staff, that continues long after each cohort graduates. We invite all past students to maintain their connection with the College through our Alumni network.

Our Alumni

Upon leaving our teaching and learning community, our past students (and past staff) often go on to have incredible careers and achieve amazing success.

Joining our Alumni allows those interested to receive news and updates from the College, receive invitations to special events, and to have the opportunity to contribute to the future of Faith Lutheran College, even after they bid us farewell.

Remain Connected To Faith

Why join the Faith Lutheran College Alumni?

By keeping in contact, our Alumni members have the opportunity to:

  • Receive regular news and updates

  • Receive invitations to attend reunions and other special events

  • Be invited to return to Faith Lutheran College as a guest speaker, presenter or College Council member

  • Continue contributing to the teaching and learning life of Faith Lutheran College.

Join the Faith Alumni

Through our Alumni, Faith Lutheran College maintains a relationship with students, staff and families.

Joining our Alumni allows those interested to receive news and updates from the College, recieve invitations to special events, and to have the opportunity to contribute to the future of Faith Lutheran College, even after they bid us farewell.

Our staff and school leadership team look forward to welcoming all of our Alumni members back to Faith Lutheran College in the near future.

Simply complete the form below to add your name to our Alumni directory.