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Information for New Families

Welcome to Faith Lutheran College! Thank you for choosing Faith for your child's education.

Commencement Handbook
Our Commencement Handbook is a useful guide when preparing for your first day at Faith. It contains information regarding uniform requirements, bus usage, absences and even school lockers! Click on the button below to view the handbook.


The Uniform Shop stocks new uniforms and offers the opportunity for families to buy and sell second-hand uniforms.

Uniform Shop Opening Hours (Term Time)
Tuesdays    8am to 1.15pm
Thursdays   10am to 4pm

My School Connect app can be used for online uniform orders - please see information below.

My School Connect App

Our tuckshop and Uniform Shop use the My School Connect app for ordering.

Below are links to step-by-step guides on how to get started with ordering:

Further information:

Parent Lounge Web Portal

The Parent Lounge web portal has been introduced to give parents an opportunity to access their personal details and those of their student/s online. You will require your five digit parent code to access Parent Lounge.

Click here for further information regarding how to log-in and use Parent Lounge.

Use the Quicklinks shortcut in the blue bar at the top of the page or click the button below to access Parent Lounge.

College App

Please download the Faith Lutheran College app to access all the important notices and announcements made by the College. Download from the App Store or Google Play. Once downloaded, be sure to allow notifications from the app in your device's settings. 

General Enquiries:
5 Faith Avenue, Plainland QLD 4341
Ph 07 5466 9900

Enrolment Enquiries:
Enrolments Registrar
Ph 07 5466 9909